Vattenfall Services Nordic works with maintenance and services of energy and electrical assets and has used isMobile’s case and work order management system since 2010. The system’s primary business values have varied over time. From focusing on reduced administrative load, the support for planning and the real-time reporting to becoming a prerequisite to deliver according to extensive customer requirements with efficiency and quality. Take part of how the isMobile case and work order management system improves Vattenfall Services Nordic’s customer relationships.
Vattenfall Services Nordic
Vattenfall Services Nordic AB operates within maintenance, contracting and consulting services for energy and electrical assets.The main customer industries are electricity, energy, industry, municipalities, real estate, transport and contracting.
Size 2300 employees
Location Establishments in about a hundred locations in Sweden
Product isMobile Case and Work Order Management
Already at the start in 2009 Vattenfall Services Nordic knew that they needed a system that could adapt to ever-changing conditions in a competitive environment. They looked for a case and work order management system that could support a new mindset and every link in the chain that represents their core business—mobile maintenance and services.
Numerous workforce processes, service requirements and work order types.
Constantly evolving business environment.
Dynamic existing IT landscape. The system should handle tasks that previously required several different systems and integrate with internal and external systems.
Increasing customer requirements and reporting expectations.
A comprehensive system that supports all workforce management processes and case types
Key features
One single system flexible enough to handle all delivery processes and case types as well as to adapt to specific case requirements.
Mobile support to field workers enabling SLA compliance and real-time reporting.
Reporting functions ensuring high data quality, cost allocation and accurate billing information.
Support for planning and resource allocation.
Ability to adapt to changes in business models, organizational structures and processes.
Added functionality
The system has evolved with the customer and some of the added functions regards:
Higher information security.
Customer integration and communication.
Technical functions that support daily work such as probing of meters, map visualisation and control and reporting functions needed for the Swedac quality accreditation.
Control and overview of a great number of diverse cases and work orders
The system handles 300 000-400 000 cases yearly. The cases involve numerous delivery processes and specific customer requirements. Some cases are solved rapidly while others are longer projects open for years. The system keeps track of all cases and enables deliveries according to business rules and SLAs.
Closer relationship to customers
Reliable data communicated in real-time keeps the customer updated and verifies promises to the customer. Integration with the customers’ systems is often a prerequisite to communicate and send status updates as required by the customer. The system also supports the communication between Vattenfall Services’ customers and their customers.
Correctly delivered and documented quality of service
Service deliveries correspond to the agreed upon level. Adaptability to case requirements has improved since field workers have access to case information that accurately reflects the current customer’s contract. The real-time reporting gathers case data and documents both the delivered quality and, when applicable, status information.
Support for forecasting, planning and decision making
The system supports Vattenfall Services with valuable insights. Time and costs are allocated to the accurate source. Vattenfall Services can follow up agreements and processes and use data to analyse profitability, expenses and pricing on case level. The methods for long-term forecasting and resource planning are improved. In several aspects, the system enables strategic decisions to be based on actual business conditions.
An example of improved communication could be in the event of a power outage. When there is a power outage the electricity supplier notifies a service technician from Vattenfall Services. On-site the technician makes a time estimation for the outage and registers updates in the system enabling continuous information to the electricity supplier’s customers until the case is solved.
Take part of the whole case study for more information and examples of how the case management system improves Vattenfall Services Nordic’s customer relationships.
Meet Berndt Larsson
Berndt Larsson, IT & Process Manager at Vattenfall Services Nordic has been a customer to isMobile for over 10 years. Take part of Berndt’s throwback in time, evaluation of primary business value and his view on a long-time partnership. isMobile article “A decade of dynamic partnership”.