Let the Case and Work Order Management System be a hub for digital collaboration

In times of intense competition, digitalisation and energy transitions, the demand for an improved customer experience, digital collaboration, flexibility and control increases. This is the second article in a series of four examining how the case and work order management system can help service organisations cope with changing market conditions. Now focusing on how the system can operate as a digital hub with a game plan for collaboration between colleagues, partners, customers, and subcontractors.

Article 2/4


It takes joint efforts from all involved parties to create an excellent customer experience. The key to efficient collaboration is to make sure every actor in each case and work order has the right information at the right time.

Information driven collaboration also demands compliance to SLA’s and security regulations which is why a coordinating game plan is vital says Annika Broström, product manager.

The key to efficient collaboration is to make sure every actor in each case and work order has the right information at the right time.
— Annika Broström, Product manager

An efficient and secure collaboration hub

The case and work order management system works as a secure and efficient collaboration hub for colleagues, partners, customers and subcontractors focusing on the need for precise and real-time information.

In addition, the case and work order management system coordinates the flow of information between different systems collecting real-time information directly when generated from several sources, both internal and external.

The services are available at all time, anywhere and seamlessly across devices and speaking partners.

An updated collaboration hub is for example valuable in a situation when a customer, a colleague or a subcontractor needs to get information about progress, perform an emergency stop for reparation or installation, make a large number of smart meter exchanges, connect new assets or initially plan and prepare for both small and large projects.

The foundation for successful collaboration is having a common digital platform to exchange information with access to real-time reporting from the field regardless of organisation or system, the ability for quick digital chat dialogues and to send attachments like maps or images from the scene on site.


A coordinating game plan

The very heart in the hub is the game plan – the processes, actors and triggers for each activity demanding any action – and for the organisation to access the right information and compliance with SLA’s and security regulations.

The system serves as the conductor in an orchestra of internal and external actors connecting systems and actors in a common flow of information.

For example, when having a large number of maintenance and emergency tasks to be performed in the same period of time, by both internal and external resources, with different skills and schemas, you need to be able to dispatch several assignments, place orders and have a continuous digital dialogue to track the progress of each case and work order and be in control of contracts with different SLA's. Imagine this set up as a technical hub in your company giving gentle directions and information to everyone involved in real-time.

The hub has a refined hierarchy of cases with linked activities and checklists, subcases and suborders to external parties and a common game plan for who, when and where actions need to be taken. All to create the transparency needed from the case administrator to the performer of each work order.

We are happy to assist if you would like to know how a case and work order management system can be the hub and conductor for increased efficiency in your system landscape.

Also, see

isMobile Case and Work Order Management System

isMobile Insight: 1/4 - Improve end customer experience with effective case and work order management

isMobile Insight: 3/4 - Thrive in constant change and make decisions based on actual business conditions

Further information, please contact

Richard Rierstam
Product Manager
+46 70 299 11 00